Adding hotkeys the easy way with nbextensions

※ Download: Jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts

Markdown cells have one other state that can be modified with the mouse. I also recommend the links below for further reading:. By finishing a Jupyter cell with the name of a variable or unassigned output of a statement, Jupyter will display that variable without the need for a print statement.

By finishing a Jupyter cell with the name of a variable or unassigned output of a statement, Jupyter will display that variable without the need for a print statement. I too miss being able to use most of the standard Jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts when running a notebook within PyCharm. Another way to access keyboard shortcuts, and a handy way to learn them is to use the command palette: Cmd + Shift + P or Ctrl + Shift + P on Linux and Windows.

Adding hotkeys the easy way with nbextensions - IPython Magic — High-resolution plot outputs for Retina notebooks One line of IPython magic will give you double resolution plot output for Retina screens, such as the more recent Macbooks. With this simple pattern, you should be able to do most everything you need with the mouse.

Jupyter Notebook From the official webpage : The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. In this section, we present the basic features of Jupyter notebooks. See the User Interface Tour in the Help menu in the Jupyter notebook. Cells There are two main types of cells: code cells and markdown cells. Hit SHIFT+ENTER to execute the contents of a cell. Python code is written in code cells. Hit SHIFT+ENTER to execute the code. Press ESC to enter command mode and ENTER for edit mode. Edit mode is for writing text and code in the cell. Edit mode is indicated by a green border around the cell. Command mode is for notebook editing commands such as cut cell, paste cell, and insert cell above. Command mode is indicated by a blue border around the cell. Keyboard Shortcuts The toolbar has buttons for common actions however you can increase the speed of your workflow by memorizing the following keyboard shortcuts in command mode: Command Mode Action Shortcut insert empty cell above a insert empty cell below b copy cell c cut cell x paste cell below v to code cell y to markdown cell m save and checkpoint s execute cell SHIFT+ENTER to edit mode ENTER to command mode ESC See Help in the toolbar of the Jupyter notebook to see the list of keyboard shortcuts.


The dashboard serves as a home page for the notebook. Jupyter Notebook Jupyter notebook, formerly known as the IPython notebook, is a flexible tool that helps you create readable analyses, as you can keep code, jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts, comments, formulae and plots together. If you are running this notebook in a live session not on try selecting different cells and going between edit and command mode. I tried using the standard Jupyter Notebook keyboard shortcuts and they didn't seem to work. Simply click and drag your mouse while holding down Alt. This isn't a notebook just yet, but don't panic. We have expanded the post and will continue to do so over time — if you have a suggestion please let us know in the comments.